Telegram has been hailed as one of the replacements for WhatsApp. It has a similar interface as WhatsApp, and it’s pretty easy to use. However, while using the App, there are some issues that you might face, and one of them is the This channel can’t be displayed error. So, how to fix the “This Channel Cannot Be Displayed” issue on Telegram?
The entire error message says, “This channel can’t be displayed because it was used to spread pornographic content.” But there are other reasons too why a channel can get this error message. We will be providing you with all the methods that can solve this error for you.
How to Fix the “This Channel Cannot Be Displayed” Issue in Telegram?
To fix This Channel Cannot Be Displayed error in Telegram, open Telegram Web settings and enable the option ‘Disable filtering. This option will display sensitive media in public channels on all your Telegram devices, fixing the error.
Before we talk about how to fix this issue, it’s essential to know all the reasons why this error message gets displayed. So, here are the reasons
Sharing Pornographic Content
The primary reason for this message to appear is pornographic content. The App is very strict about it, and they regularly ban these types of channels when they appear on the app server.
Deleted Channels
If you are not able to find a specific channel, then there are high chances that the creator itself has deleted the track.
Telegram is a very safe app but it would be good to enable two-step verification on Telegram.
Pirated Contents
Sharing of large files is something the App promotes very much. But they are very strict about things that are pirated, such as new movies, series, etc., which are not available to people quickly. This can happen at times when you try to download content from Telegram.
Promoting Hate and Violence
There are quite a lot of channels that are solely made for hate speech again a sing community, and that is something Telegram doesn’t tolerate at all. They remove such types of channels on an immediate basis and permanently ban them from the App.
5 Ways To Fix the “This Channel Cannot be Displayed” Issue on Telegram
The methods are pretty simple and easy to use, and you can check them down below.
Method 1: Use Nicegram Bot
Nicegram is a Telegram bot that will help you to enable the visibility of sensitive content in public channels.
To start the process, open the Telegram app and then follow the steps provided below.
- Go to the Search Bar of the App and type “Nicegram Bot.” Or directly visit
- Now, find the bot from the Search results and click on it.
- On the right-hand bottom section, you will find Start. Click on It.

- After that, tap on “I’m 18+ Years Old” and “Show Sensitive Content.”

And that would be all. Now, the error message won’t appear on the channels that you have seen it on before. This method might work and might not work at the same time. Please wait for a few minutes, and once it (command) completes, restart the App.
You might also want to take a look at how to live stream on Telegram.
Method 2: Turn on Disable filtering Option
If you have installed Telegram on your PC/Mac or use Telegram on the web, then follow the steps given below to get rid of the ‘this message couldn’t be displayed on your device because it contains pornographic materials’ error.
- Open Telegram client on your PC or open Telegram Web on a web browser
- Click on Settings and move to the Privacy and Security section
- Under the sensitive content option, turn on Disable filtering.

Once you enable this option, all sort of content including sensitive ones from all channels will be made visible to you.
If you don’t find the disabler filter option in Telegram, here’s a quick tip to fix disable filter not showing in Telegram.
Method 3: Voice-Over Internet Number
This method is not that popular and is a bit complicated. There are quite a lot of services that let you create a VOIP number, and you need to pay for it, but it’s cheap anyway. You can use that newly created VIOP number to create a new account on Telegram.
The VIOP number you will create should belong to such a county where the content you are trying to access is not banned. So be careful while choosing the number.
Telegram lets you use three different accounts at once. So, you can use one account to check the channels you want to and others to talk to the people you like.
Method 4: Try Using Another Device
Switching devices can also do the job, as some apps don’t tend to work properly on a specific OS. For example, some channels on the iOS version of the App don’t work properly, but they seem to work smoothly on Android apps.
The reason for this is still unknown, and it’s quite hard to tell whether the problem is with the OS or the App. You can try using an Android device if you are facing the issue on an iOS device and vice-versa.
Method 5: Use a VPN to access Telegram
The restriction that Telegram imposes on channels isn’t worldwide; instead, it is based on regions. So, a VPN for your device would be a great option here. You can change the location to a country where the content you are trying to access is not banned.

Many free VPN providers can help you change your location. Though they might not be that good, they will get the job done for you. After you are done viewing the content, make sure to change it back to your default location.
Follow this post to learn how to move chats from WhatsApp to Telegram.
Method 5: Don’t Visit Suspicious Channels
It will do you good if you don’t visit channels that share questionable content. Suspicious contents mean all the things that get a channel banned or restricted.
Wrap Up: Channel Cannot Be Displayed Error
Telegram is very strict regarding content that is shared on the App. Any channel that violates their terms and condition would be banned or deleted. If you happen to come across the This Channel Can’t Be Displayed” error on Telegram, follow the methods we have provided here. Hopefully, these solved your problems.