Coming up with a good gamertag is key to establishing your identity in the online gaming world. Your Xbox gamertag gives other players their very first impression of you, so you want it to stand out in a memorable way. But trying to think of cool Xbox gamertags and names can be surprisingly tough and time-consuming.
That’s where this post comes in! In this ultimate guide, I’ll be sharing my top creative, clever, and even funny Xbox gamertags and names. I’ve got you covered whether you want something simple or more complex with special characters and numbers.
How to change Gamertags?
- Sign in to your Xbox One or Xbox Series X/S console. Or go to and sign in to your Microsoft account.
- Navigate to your account settings. On console, go to System > Settings > Account. On the website, click your profile picture (top right) > My Microsoft account.
- Select “Customize profile”. On console it will say “Customize profile & compare gaming profiles”.
- Click on your current gamertag to change it.
- Enter your new desired gamertag. It will let you know if the name is available.
- If available, confirm the change to your new gamertag.

Cool Gamertags
- xSniperLegendx
- EpicSlayer
- SilentAvenger
- BladeMaster
- SpartanWarrior117
- SkyrimSoldier
- CODsharpshooter
- HaloHammer
- DestinyDominator
- DarkKnight911
- CapAmerica1917
- IronMan2099
- SuperNovaboy88
- LordZelda
- MarioSpeedster
- TheLastSamurai
- FPSassassin
- VinDieselToretto
- FastnFurious10
- xXxWick3dxXx
- JasonGamekingX
- ScaryClown666
- HockeyEnforcer88
- BasketballStar9
- SoccerCaptain10
- MaddenBeastMode
- NHLsnipe91
- GolfPro19
- TigerWoodsFan24
- MLBPowerHitter44
- StrikeoutKing32
- WrestlingChamp99
- RageQuitDestroyer
- OneShotOneKill
- SniperElite2005
- StealthNinja8008
- Spartan300King
- HaloODSTshock
- GearsHordemaster
- AgeofEmpiresPro97
- StarcraftCommander
- WarcraftWarlord90
- FortniteBuilder11
- ApexDestructor69
- CODquadfeedgod
- BFtankbuster
- GTAspeeddemon
- ForzaHorizonpro
- xXParkourProXx
- SkaterDude1990
- SurferBro88
- SnowboarderShredder77
- MountainBiker401
- UrbanBmxer93
- BaseballBreakout44
- FootballPhenom12
- BasketDunker52
- SoccerSuperstar10
- VolleyballSpike99
- TennisAce21
- BowlingStriker300
- PoolShark1956
- PokerRoyal92
- ChessGrandmaster88
- GamerPro69420
- TetrisBoss1990
- SpaceInvader1978
- DonkeyKongHero81
- FarCryWarrior5
- TombRaiderAdventurer
- UnchartedExplorer88
- HorizonZeroMaster
- SpiderManWebhead
- SuperMarioHero64
- LinkSwordfighter90
- KirbySmashBros77
- SplatoonInkling99
Funny Gamertags
- CantAim2SaveLife
- UR2EZ2Frag
- TeabaggingN00bs
- UJustGotPwned
- SpawnCampKilla
- 360NoScopeGod
- RageMonster
- GitGudPleb
- NoLifeGameNerd
- SnackBreakHero
- PizzaRollGamer
- DewNDoritos4Life
- MomBringSnacks
- FearMy1337Skills
- OMGhax!
- HackedYaAccount
- ErrorCode:Rekt
- ConnectionLostLMAO
- FatalError:YouSuck
- KeyboardWarrior
- OnlyPlaysHealer
- ActualTrashAtThis
- PlaysOnToaster
- LagIs2Blame
- HardscopeCoward
- SprayNPrayNoob
- EpicFail420
- LootGoblin
- LeeroyJenkins
- AFKisMyMiddleName
- BRBPizzaArrived
- AltF4RageQuit
- PanicSuperPanic
- NerdRageUnleashed
- NoSkillJustLuck
- Carried2Victory
- reportingU4hacks
- CryBabyRager
- SoreLuckyLoser
- GiantBabyTears
- SaltySpitoonBouncer
- RNGesusHatesMe
- PanicBuildsPanic
- DefaultSkin4Life
- DanceOnUrGrave
- TeabagIfUCan
- GitRektServerLags
- YoloSwag4Jesus
- MLGnoscopemaster
- pwnnubsfegitgud
- WhatAreCrosshairs
- MediocreAtBest
- PanickedPotatoAim
- uninstallingRN
- GamerFuelCantSaveMe
- HardstuckCopperRanks
- CarriedBySmurfs
- EZBotsEZLife
- CoolGamertagWasted
- ZzzZzzZzz
- AFKHammerTime
- FloatLikeButterflyStingLikeBee lag?
- CTRL+ALT+RageQuit
- TryhardBean
- CantSeeMeCamping
- PanicKnifeTheAir
- PCmasTerRaCe
- YourSaltFeedsMe
- SoreLuckyLoser
- NoobSlayer999
- xX_MLG420BlazeIt_X
- MomCanUFryMeSumChicken
- DarthN00bKiller
- Teabags4DaHaters
- PwnageMcPwnerson
- WhiffGod
- GitGudOrPerish
Witty Xbox Gamertags
- TheAmazingGamer
- ConsoleCowboy
- PixelPerfect
- RebootingReality
- VirtuallyFlawless
- GlitchedWizard
- PixeledPaladin
- armedNPC
- lootyMcLootface
- MagicalGamer
- Gamerlingual
- GamingIsMyGame
- gamesB4names
- free2Pwn
- pistolwhipped
- fragtastik
- WhatsATrigger
- RageModeCowboy
- thumbcramps
- achievementhuntr
- that360tho
- RNGarbage
- CritHappens
- Pixels4Life
- StraightOuttaRespawn
- 1UpOrRiot
- leetstreetboys
- zerglingrush
- pwnzorsquad
- Panic!attheconsole
- Lootsplosion
- ButtonMasher
- redringredemption
- HexboxHacker
- GamerFuelInjector
36.rx78Medic - MagicCarpets
- Player1Up
- FatalSyntaxErr
- teamslothmode
- ClickClocker
- p1raten00b
- SwordNotKeyblade
- KnowsSomeCombos
- BufferingFury
- LaggyButLucky
- Crits4TheKids
- GankPlankGaming
- GetGoodOrQQmore
- DiceStackinBandit
- RNGesusTakeTheWheel
- lootcastlecrasher
- heals4hotmeals
- TechnicolorDreamcoat
- SuperScopeSniper
- BulletBallet
- pwnographic
- FatalDesignFlaw
- GamerFuelInjector
- teamslothmode
- 420NoScopes
- Pixels4Life
- FatalSyntaxErr
- redringredemption
- HexboxHacker
- rx78Medic
- MagicCarpets
- Player1Up
- BufferingFury
- CritHappens
- StraightOuttaRespawn
- zerglingrush
- leetstreetboys
- 1UpOrRiot
- that360tho
- RNGarbage
- RNGesusTakeTheWheel
Creative Gamertags
- CloudStrife777
- Link’sAdventure
- KeybladeWarrior
- Mario’sQuest
- SonicSpeedster
- FoxMcCloud99
- Kirby’sDreamland
- SamusAranBountyHunter
- YoshiEggThrower
- NessPKhero
- CaptainFalconPunch
- Red’sCharizard
- Squirtle’sWaterGun
- PickachuVolts
- Lucario’sAura
- Greninja’sShadows
- Bowser’sFury
- DonkeyKong’sJungle
- SnakeHideNSeek
- GandalfTheLegend
- AragornRangerBoy
- LegolasBowMaster
- GimliAxeWielder
- ConjurerSpellsword
- Archer’sStealth
- WarriorDragonslayer
- SorcererFirecaster
- BattleMage92
- PaladinHolyAvenger
- HunterNatureGuide
- DruidBearwalker
- ShamanElements
- WarlockNetherblade
- EngineerGizmos
- AlchemistElexirs
- EnchanterRunecrafter
- TailorClothweaver
- LeatherworkerHideMaster
- BlacksmithHammerSpark
- JewelcrafterGemcutter
- ScribemagicQuills
- CarpenterhammerNails
- ChefFoodie123
- FarmerHarvestMoon
- AnglerGoneFishing
- ArchaeologistFossils
- ExplorerOffTheMap
- Einsteinium99
- EdisonTesla1847
- GalileoSpacekid
- NewtonGravity1666
- TeslaCoil8888
- EinsteinsChalkboard
- MC.EscherOrigami
- FibonacciSequence
- DaVinciArtist907
- Beethoven9thSymphony
- MozartRequiem1791
- BachFugue99999
- griegMorningMood1876
- ChopinNocturne1830
- DebussyClairDeLune
- RachmaninoffConcerto2
- LisztDreamsofLove
- BrahmsLullaby1868
- VanGoghIrises1889
- WarholCampbells1962
- PicassoLesDemoiselles
- DaliMeltingWatch1931
- KahloVivaLaVida
- PollockSplatter1234
- MonetWaterLilies1899
- RembrandtStormSea1633
- CaravaggioFruitBasket
- BruceLeeDragon93
- AliRopeaDope1974
- Jordan23Bulls
Unique Gamertags
- PixedWarrior
- RetroSlayer
- NeoCrusader
- CyberSamurai
- DaftPunker
- SynthWaveBoy
- LaserGladiator
- IronCyborg
- Tron198X
- MechaFighterX
- IronMan2099
- CaptainMarvel88
- ElectroVoltz
- VisionBot90
- FalconWingz
- WinterSoldjer
- DoctorStrangeFate
- SpiderVerseWebSlinger
- BlackPantherClaws
- AntManSizeMaster
- ThorGodofThunder
- HulkSmash887
- ThanosInfinity857
- StarLordAwesomeMix
- GrootIamGroot
- DraxTheDestroyer
- GamoraDeadliest
- RocketRacoonBOOM
- SuperNovaboy88
- QuantumRealmer
- Tron1985
- MaxHeadroom87
- Laserblast88
- ElectronicaEDM
- Cyberpunk2077
- OutrunRacer
- RetrowaveRocks
- SynthesizerKeys
- CircuitBreaker
- Mech Warrior31
- KatanaSamuraiBlade
- ShogunWarrior
- Feudalarcher
- SengokuSoldier
- SamuraiMasta
- Roninblade
- KendoSwordsman
- GhostRonin
- TokyoDrifter
- Akira1988Bike
- NeoTokyo2045
- MegaCityJudge
- BladeRunner2049
- CowboyBebop2071
- GhostInTheShell89
- AkiraKanedaBike31
- EvangelionUnit01TestType
- GundumWingZeroCustom
- EscaflowneDragon
- TransformersOptimus
- GundumDeathScythe
- MacrossVF1Valkyrie
- PatlaborTheMovie
- YamatoSpaceBattleship
- LupinTheThird
- MazingerZ
- Daitarn3
- Grendizer1975
- GalactusWorldEater
- DarkseidOmegaBeams
- BrainiacCollector
- BizarroWeirdo
- DoomsdayKills
- ParasiteHungryMan
- SinestroCorpsFear
- StarroTheConquerer
- ImperiexUniverse
And that wraps up my ultimate list of cool, funny, creative, unique, and witty Xbox gamertag recommendations! I’ve covered everything from referencing your favorite games, movies, TV shows, books and more to funny handles poking fun at gaming fails and frustrations.