Downloading huge files from Telegram can sometimes be a pain, that’s why it is always better to direct download files from Telegram using a Download Manager like IDM. In this article, you will find multiple methods to download files from Telegram using your Web Browser or any other Download Manager for that matter.

Recently, I tried downloading a 1.4GB file from the Telegram Desktop app. But for some reason it was not starting at all, I waited for a longer period of time and there was no luck. At that point of time, I thought how cool will it be if there was an option to download Telegram files using a download manager. For me, Download Manager software always gives the maximum speed. After doing a lot of research, I found some methods to direct download files from Telegram. So let’s see how to do it.
Download Telegram Files Directly With Download Manager
There are plenty of public telegram bots that will help us to direct download files from Telegram. We will make use of these bots to get started.
Now you might be wondering what are these Telegram Bots and how do they help us in downloading heavy files from Telegram.
What are Telegram Downloader Bots?
If you have been using Telegram regularly, then you might already know that fact that there are thousands of Bots for different purposes. Starting from fun bots to super useful bots (like the one that we are about to discuss in this article). These public bots on Telegram will help us to generate a direct download link for any file uploaded on Telegram. Later on, you can use that link to direct download the file using any other software or browser easily.
Download Files From Telegram Outside of Telegram
Follow the step by step method mentioned below to quickly generate a direct download link to your file on Telegram. If the bot mentioned in this method does not work for you then just go to the next section of the article and use some alternative bots to generate a download link.
If you are trying to download sensitive files using Telegram then you might want to turn on disable filter option.
Step 1: First of all, login to your Telegram account on your Computer. You can either use Telegram Web by visiting or download and login to the Telegram Desktop application.
Step 2: Once you are logged in to your account. Click on the link below to open the bot.
@LinkToFilesBot or
Step 3: Simply type /start in the message box and send it to activate the bot. Once the message is sent, the bot will be activated. Once activated follow further steps to generate a download link.

Step 4: Go to other Telegram chat where the file you want to download is shared.
Step 5: Select the file and tap on forward button. From the list of chats that appears, select Links to Files and forward the file.

Step 6: In less than 10 seconds, the bot will process the file and send you a direct download link

Step 7: Just click on the link and open it up. Now a page will appear with the Download button. Just click on the download button and direct downloading of the file will start. You can either download the file using the web browser itself or use any other Download Manager software to download the file.

If the file you are trying to download is a video file then you have the option to directly stream it without having the need to download it. Just above the download button, you will find a play button. Clicking on it will start the video playback with the highest quality available.
That’s it, we have successfully downloaded files from Telegram using our web browser/download manager easily.
While trying to download a file from Telegram, if you see This Channel Cannot Be Displayed error, then here’s how to fix it.
If you use Internet Download Manager to download the file, you will get maximum download speed for sure. For some reason, if IDM is not giving you enough download speed, make sure to use IDM Optimizer to increase IDM speed at least by 2x.
Bots to Direct Download Files from Telegram (Alternatives)
For some reason, if the above-mentioned bot doesn’t get it right for you then make sure to try other public bots mentioned below. There are times when the bot might go down or severe overload happens, in these situations, these bots will be helpful. Procedures to download files using all the bots will be pretty much the same.
- @getpubliclink_bot
- @GetPublicLinkBot
- @filestolinkbot
This is how we download files from Telegram using some public bots. Once the download link is generated, you can use the link anywhere to download the file. The best part is that you can even share the generated download link with anyone and they will be able to download the file, too. For some reason, if the Telegram File Download bot mentioned above does not work for you. Try some other bots given in the Alternatives section. Procedures will be pretty much the same.