Baldur’s Gate 3 offers players the chance to create a wide variety of characters, including the Rogue class and its subclasses. This comprehensive guide will provide an overview of the Rogue class in Baldur’s Gate 3 and offer suggestions for creating effective Rogue builds.
Rogue Class Overview
Rogues are adept at exploiting weaknesses and delivering deadly sneak attacks. They may not have the extra attack feature of other martial classes, but Sneak Attack allows Rogues to dish out impressive damage when used properly. Rogues also gain more skill proficiencies than any class except Bards, and their Expertise feature lets them truly master certain skills.
While Rogues excel in dealing damage and handling skills like lockpicking, pickpocketing, and disarming traps, they can also serve well as party faces with some investment in Charisma. Their stealth capabilities also make them ideal scouts and infiltrators.
When building a Rogue, Dexterity should be the primary ability score, followed by Constitution. Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom can be useful depending on your intended role and subclass choice. Select skills like Stealth, Sleight of Hand, and Perception, as these suit most Rogues.
Rogues gain several impactful features as they level up, including Cunning Action at level 2 and their subclass choice at level 3. Multiclassing is often effective after level 3 when the core Rogue features have been acquired.
Sneak Attack Explained
The Sneak Attack class feature is what defines the Rogue’s damage potential. Starting at 1st level, it grants extra dice of damage (starting at 1d6) when you hit with a finesse or ranged weapon under certain conditions. The extra damage increases as you gain Rogue levels.
To trigger Sneak Attack, you must meet one of the following criteria:
- The target is within 5 feet of an ally
- You have advantage on the attack
There are several methods to gain advantage in Baldur’s Gate 3:
- Hiding (grants advantage against targets that can’t see you)
- Assassinate (Assassin Rogues gain advantage vs. unalerted enemies)
- Knocking targets Prone
- Inflicting Restrained, Paralyzed, Blinded, etc.
- Using the Flourish weapon ability
- Casting Web, Ensnare, or other CC spells
- Having the Lucky feat
Properly setting up Sneak Attack is crucial to maximizing Rogue damage output. Make sure to use positioning, abilities, and spells to create advantage scenarios.
Recommended Rogue Ability Scores

As a Rogue, your highest ability score should be Dexterity, followed by Constitution. Some examples scores based on Rogue archetypes:
Ranged Rogue
- Dexterity: 16+
- Constitution: 14
- Wisdom: 14
Melee Rogue
- Dexterity: 16+
- Constitution: 14
- Strength: 14
Face Rogue
- Dexterity: 16+
- Constitution: 14
- Charisma: 14
Ideally increase Dexterity to 20 at higher levels. Feats like Sharpshooter (ranged) and Dual Wielder (melee) are also solid choices.
Best Races for Rogues
Some of the most optimal Rogue races in Baldur’s Gate 3 include:

- High Elf: Longbow proficiency, darkvision, and a free Wizard cantrip like Minor Illusion.
- Wood Elf: Stealth proficiency, 35 ft speed, and Mask of the Wild to hide in natural areas.
- Lightfoot Halfling: Luck feature to reroll 1s, Brave to resist fright, Naturally Stealthy.
- Variant Human: Extra starting feat, ideal for Rogues who want Sharpshooter, Dual Wielder, or Lucky early on.
- Half-Elf: Charisma bonuses make a good Face Rogue, along with two skill proficiencies.
Recommended Rogue Skills and Equipment
Skills: Stealth, Sleight of Hand, and Perception are ideal for most Rogues. Persuasion, Deception, or other Charisma skills can be useful for Face Rogues.
Weapons: Finesse weapons like rapiers and short swords. Ranged weapons like shortbows or crossbows if building for ranged damage.
Armor: Light armor like leather or studded leather. Medium armor can work for Rogues with proficiency.
Accessories: Focus on ones that provide bonuses to Dexterity, Stealth, or other key Rogue skills.
Rogue Class Feature Progression
Here are some of the major class features Rogues gain as they level up:
Level 2 – Cunning Action: Disengage, Dash, or Hide as bonus actions.
Level 3 – Subclass Feature: Unique benefits based on chosen subclass.
Level 5 – Uncanny Dodge: Halve damage from one attack per round.
Level 7 – Evasion: Reduce dexterity save damage, take none on success.
Level 11 – Reliable Talent: Minimum 10 on proficient ability checks.
Level 12-20 – Ability Score Improvements at 12, 16, 19 to boost Dexterity, Feats, etc.
Rogue Subclasses
Rogues must choose from one of three subclasses at 3rd level:

Arcane Trickster
Gains spellcasting and mage hand abilities, ideal for magical utility and trickery. At higher levels they can more easily land spells against enemies when hidden.
Expert killers focused on ambushing and surprising enemies, gaining advantage against unalerted foes and scoring automatic critical hits. Also masters of disguise.
Focuses on larceny and no-holds-barred fighting style. Gains a second bonus action for more attacks or cunning actions. Also adept at climbing, picking locks, and disarming traps.
Effective Rogue Multiclass Options
Here are some powerful multiclass combinations to consider after getting 3-5 levels in Rogue:
- Rogue/Fighter – Gain a fighting style, medium armor, Action Surge, and Extra Attack. Works very well for melee Rogues.
- Rogue/Ranger – Archery fighting style and spells complement a ranged Rogue. Gloom Stalker is ideal for increasing first turn damage.
- Rogue/Sorcerer – Quickened Spell combines nicely with Cunning Action for mobility and spell slinging. Draconic Resilience also adds HP and AC.
- Rogue/Cleric – Excellent for a very skillful Rogue who also wants spellcasting, healing, and domain features. Knowledge is a great fit.
- Rogue/Wizard – Gives an Arcane Trickster higher level spells and more spell slots. Bladesinger is a potent mix for gish builds.
Rogue Feats and Ability Score Improvement Options
Here are some of the best Feats and Ability Score Improvements for Rogues:
- Sharpshooter – Ignore long range penalties and +10 damage for -5 to hit with ranged attacks. Great for ranged Rogues.
- Elven Accuracy – Reroll one attack die roll, excellent combined with Rogue advantage for Sneak Attack. Requires Elf race.
- Dual Wielder – +1 AC while dual wielding, draw/stow 2 weapons. Useful for melee Rogues.
- Mobile – +10 movement speed, ignore difficult terrain, don’t provoke opportunity attacks. Improves mobility.
- Lucky – Reroll 3 d20 rolls per long rest. Amazing for ensuring hits and saves.
- +2 Dexterity – Increasing Dexterity boosts AC, attack rolls, damage, initiative, key skills, and saves. Huge for Rogues.
Level Progression and Feat/ASI Recommendations
Here’s a sample leveling guide for a Rogue showing Feat/ASI choices:
- Level 1: Standard starting stats
- Level 4: +2 Dexterity
- Level 8: Elven Accuracy (if Elf) or Lucky
- Level 10: +2 Dexterity
- Level 12: Sharpshooter (if ranged) or Dual Wielder (if melee)
- Level 16: +2 Dexterity
- Level 19: Mobile or +2 Constitution
Getting Dexterity to 20 should be the priority followed by relevant combat Feats like Sharpshooter or Dual Wielder. Lucky and Elven Accuracy are fantastic for ensuring those critical Sneak Attacks.
See how to mod BG3.
With their sneak attack damage, extensive skills, and subclass features, Rogues have a lot of versatility in Baldur’s Gate 3. Focus on Dexterity, Constitution, and skills like Stealth when creating your Rogue. Positioning and planning are key to maximizing your Sneak Attack opportunities. Subclasses like Arcane Trickster, Assassin, and Thief allow you to specialize, as do certain multiclass options. With the right build, Rogues can dish out huge burst damage and outmaneuver their foes. Properly selecting Feats and Ability Score Improvements as you level are also crucial to developing a highly effective Rogue.