We all have played word games at some point in our life, and people have been playing different types of word games ever since humanity has discovered languages.
When the whole world was affected by the pandemic, everyone was looking for things to do as they were facing lockdowns, and in this particular time, online word games came as a time buster.
A word game that became so popular in recent times is Wordle. In this game, you have to guess the right 5-letter word and you will get six tries to guess the right answer. In Wordle, you will get the chance to guess only one word every day. So this means you have to wait an entire day for the next word and sometimes you want to play more and unfortunately you can’t do anything about it.

However, there is one more word game similar to Wordle and that is Absurdle, if you want to play something like Wordle but don’t want to wait a whole day for the next turn, Absurdle is for you.
What is Absurdle?
If you are familiar with Wordle you will be able to see the similarities between these two games. Just like Wordle, you have to guess the right “5 letter word ” but in this game, there is no specific word of the day like the Wordle. Absurdle generates a word based on your guesses.
Unlike Wordle where there is a Specific word every day and that too same for everyone. Absurdle doesn’t have a pre-planned mystery word, as I mentioned above Absurdle generates a mystery word after your first guess which makes it hard to guess the word in the first 3 attempts, Absurdle doesn’t give you little hints if we compare it with Wordle.
How to play Absurdle?
Just like Wordle, you can play Absurdle from your Web browser on your Desktop, smartphone, and tablets. https://qntm.org/files/absurdle/absurdle.html
This game is created by a man called Sam Hugh. He has taken the Basic Wordle fundamentals and has integrated his own spin into the game.
The rules of the game are quite simple, you have to guess a 5 letter word just like Wordle, but in Wordle, you only get six tries on the other hand Absurdle has no limit to it, you get unlimited attempts to guess a word.
You will get 5 blank blocks at first then after every guesses a new block gets added until you make the right guess.

You will also come across Some colors ( yellow, green & grey ) which represent three things, the color “yellow” represents that the letter is correct but is placed on the wrong block. The “green” color means the letter is in the right block, lastly, the color “grey” represents the incorrect letter that does not exist in the mystery word.

How to be good at Absurdle?
There are a few ways to be good at this game. However, it all depends on you in the end, the more you will play the more you will be able to guess the words. Though you can try some methods to improve your game from the very beginning.
Random guessing
Absurdle gives you an option that guesses a word for you, so if you are out of words you can use this feature to start the game and you can also spam this guess option to get all the right letters of the mystery word, and you can even get the right answer by just spamming the “Random Guessing” option. Though it might not be as fun as it would be if you guess words by yourself.
Change the pattern
As you know the game decides the word after you make your first guess, so the system has the advantage if you will put the same type of words with little changes after every guess ( Ex- Flash, Slack, black) there are chances that it will take a long time to guess the right word. instead, try changing the whole world ( Ex- Flash, Slack, Party ) in this case you might be wrong but there is a high probability that you will get a new letter to build the entire word.

Nerdle is yet another game similar to Wordle and Absurdle but with numbers. Maybe you want to check that as well.
How many Game modes are there in Absurdle?
Absurdle has four different game modes, that give you the option to change the difficulty level of the game.
- Hard mode -> In this game mode, you will have to use all previous letters that are Yellow & Green for your next guess.
- Challenge mode -> In this mode, the game will give you a word, you have to force the system to accept it as the right word.
- Time mode -> In this mode, you will get 60 seconds to guess the right word.
- Expanded Mode -> This mode contains extremely obscure words like “AAHED”, “PHPHT” and “XYLYL” which can be the secret word.
Now you know everything related to this game, so without any sweat enjoy Absurdle and I’m sure you will be addicted to it as I am. If you have any queries related to this topic, feel free to contact us.