A DNS web Server is the one that resolves the IP Address every time you type in a domain name. Every Internet Service Provider or ISP will be having a local DNS Server with Domain name and corresponding IP Address. DNS Server provided by your ISP will be comparatively smaller when compared to many third-party DNS Server providers like Google Public DNS, OpenDNS or Cloudflare DNS. Today, in this article you will find DNS Benchmarking Tools to check and find the best DNS Server to use in your particular location and Internet connection.
There are lots of third-party DNS services on the Internet. Finding the best one with the lowest ping maximum efficiency is a little bit of challenging tasks. We cannot blindly go and start using a DNS service either, This is where DNS benchmark tools come into play. By using those tools, we can compare a wide range of different services and use the best one with maximum speed in resolving every IP Address.

Usage of unreliable DNS services will drastically decrease the Internet speed and also the time is taken to load the website contents. And again, If a service is overcrowded then the chances of the service being extremely slow are really high. In short, we should find DNS Services which has better infrastructure and Network, Less crowded and maximum speed. We will be using below mentioned DNS Benchmarking tools to find the DNS service with the highest efficiency and maximum reliability.
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Top 3 Third Party DNS Services:
- Google Public DNS
- CloudFlare DNS
- Open DNS
Best DNS Benchmarking Tools – Find Fastest DNS
After the test is done, if you want to set that particular server as your default DNS server then you can watch the video given below, which clearly mention how to set fastest DNS server as your default DNS Server on Windows.
Tools are arranged in no particular order. Step by step to use each tool and set the fastest DNS Server guide will also be mentioned below itself. So, after the test is done, you can configure the fastest DNS Server on your computer in just a matter of a click.
1. DNSPerf
If you are looking for a tool to find the fastest server, DNS Performance Analytics, and Comparison then DNSPerf is something you should take a look at. One thing I liked about DNSPerf is the fact that you can view historical data on how the DNS performed over the course of time. Let’s suppose you have multiple DNS in mind, you can do a comparison as well.
Doing a comparison will help you land on a perfect decision on whether to choose what. DNSPerf is an online DNS benchmark tool that you can access by visiting their official website.

As soon as you visit the website, it will show a list of the best DNS servers arranged according to their query speed. By default, it will show you worldwide data, but you can switch to your region to see much more tailored data for you. After switching to North America, DNS has the lowest query time with 5.83ms. It will change according to your country.
2. DNS Name Server Benchmark
DNS Name Server Benchmark is the second tool in our list to find the fastest DNS server. This is one of the best DNS Benchmarking Software which has a lot more features and functionalities than its competitor miss out on. Minimum response time, average response time, maximum response time, standard deviation, ping time, reliability, etc are some of the important stats displayed by this tool for windows.

The User Interface(UI) of the tool is a little old but is very user-friendly. No one will struggle to find the necessary options and almost all the beginner level settings tweaks options are available from the start page of the tool itself. You are not required to visit each and every settings tab to find settings. It’s pretty simple with DNS Benchmarking Tool
The best part about this app is that it is a portable application. Meaning that you are not required to do any sort of installation in order to use. Simply download the software content package from the link given below and the tool opens right away.
How to Run a DNS Benchmark test?
- Download and Open the tool from the link given above.
- Click on the “Nameservers” tab
- It will display all the available DNS Service. You will be able to see three different columns under the “Nameservers” tab and they are Name, Status and Response Time
- Click the “Run Benchmark” button to run the test and wait for a little while until it checks every DNS and formulates a test result with the comparison.
- It mainly does three different checkups and they are Cached Name, Uncached Name, and DotCom Lookup.
- The time taken for the test depends on your geographical locations and also your Internet Service Provider.
DNS Benchmark has set of more than 15+ different presets already configured. If you are not able to find the Service that you want to test, then you can easily add them for the test using the “Add/Remove” option available in the test section. Even if you found the best and fastest DNS Server, this app is not having the option to set the found DNS as our default DNS service in windows. You can copy down the data regarding a particular DNS Service and manually apply it.
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3. Namebench
Namebench is a cross-platform tool that is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS. This is a simple open source project that is publically hosted and available for free to use. As like any other software in the list, this one is also a free, lightweight and portable application which is old and still provide accurate details.

Apart from DNS Benchmarking, it also has some other features such as Internet Censorship check, Restrick or Unblock DNS Servers, and also provide a graph form the tested result for better comparison. Namebench has Google DNS, Comodo, Open DNS, and many other leading third-party DNS Services that are available for free for personal use.
The software is available in both graphical user interface as well as Command Prompt interface. The size is just less than 5MB and hardly takes a few seconds to download. Simply download and open, not required to install or do any additional setup.
Namebench is a Free DNS Benchmarking tools available for Mac OS as well. You can download a different version of Namebench from the link given below, It includes 25+ packages for Windows, Mac OS and Unix combined.

How to use Namebench to find fastest DNS?
- Download and extract the content from the link given above.
- Open Namebench tool to check DNS Server speed
- Enter the Nameserver IP in the Nameserver’s tab
- Configure the necessary fields the needful data and hit Run Benchmark button
- Wait a few minutes for it to complete the test

- Once the test is completed, it will display all the necessary information and also tells you which is the best and fastest DNS Server that can be coupled with your ISP based n your location and Internet Service Provider. Hopefully, that should make the IP Resolving faster and the Internet speed should go up by a little margin.
4. DNS Jumper
DNS Jumper is an extremely good DNS Benchmarking Tool that has over 27+ predefined prests and configurations. Apart from any other tools mentioned in this article, DNS Jumper seems promising with its really good User Interface and easy to use interface. It comes as a lightweight.

Most probably you will find all the popular DNS servers from the predefined presets itself. Services like Google Public DNS, Open DNS, Cloudflare, etc will be there already configured. But, somehow if you are not able to find the server of your choice, don’t worry, You can easily add any third party DNS Servers to the tool for testing.
If you really don’t much idea about how things work doesn’t know more about different DNS servers and options then all you wanted to do is simply click on the “Fastest DNS” button and the DNS benchmark tool itself do the test with various DNS servers and display the result for you. Once the test is done, the fastest DNS will be highlighted with a green color.

To enter custom DNS information, check on the “Custom DNS” option and enter the corresponding values in the field provided. You can find the DNS values of a particular third party DNS service from their official website. Now, press the “Check Resolve Time” button find the time taken. You can also find the average time by doing it 5 times and then dividing it by 5 times for more accuracy.
If you frequently compare DNS Servers that are not in the predefined list then you can add custom DNS to the collection of DNS Servers. For that just click on the cog icon and press on the +ADD button. After that, type in the particular DNS values, give it a name and hit add. Now, you will find that particular DNS server in the collection of all Server list.

5. CDNPerf
Fifth on our list is CDNPerf that will help you to find fastest CDN. If you want to attain lowest possible latency then a perfectly fastest CDN is a must. This is where CDNPerf helps you in finding the same.
Similar to DNSPerf, CDNPerf works the same way as well. As soon as you visit the website, you will be presented with the data of fastest CDN worldwide. You also have the option to filter CDNs according to the country or region.

Go checkout CDNPerf to find fastest CDN.
Find the fastest DNS Sever
These are some of the best DNS Benchmarking tools that you can use to find the fastest DNS server for your Internet connection. DNS Server with maximum efficiency varies from geographical location and your Internet Service Provider. So, if your friend is using Google Public DNS and he is getting really good speed, but it is not guaranteed that you will also get the same as him. That’s exactly where DNS Benchmarking tools come into play. In terms comparing different third-party DNS Services, they do a pretty good job. If you are looking for a DNS Benchmark tool which is really easy to use and fast, then my suggestion will be to go with DNS Jumper as it has easy to use options, good interface and relatively faster than any other tools mentioned in this article.